The reality is that by the time I get Phoebe in bed and asleep, I am ready to drop - often without even eating dinner, which I know is very bad because I need to keep eating a healthy and nutritious diet for breast feeding.
It's not that things aren't happening. It's just that it's so hard to find time to myself to write. Phoebe is napping less and less in the daytime now and when she is awake I need to take advantage of the times when she will play on her own to get basic household tasks done.
Clearly this isn't going to be a daily account. Instead I will write whenever I can.
In the last few days Phoebe has developed a few new tricks. When she is feeding sometimes she pulls away from the breast and looks sideways at me until I look at her - then she makes a big grin, but when I smile back she quickly turns her head back to the breast. It's like a formative version of hide and seek, without any actual hiding. It's very funny, and it's difficult for me not to laugh and play along with the game - which sometimes means that feeding is compromised, but I figure we can afford a bit of that.
She has a rash on her leg, so when I change her I have to put a mit on her right hand to stop her from scratching - she waits til I am watching then whips it off with the other hand. Once she even threw it over her head!
I'm sure all of this is only a hint of things to come.
The masses demand a picture (or two) of Phoebe and her pumpkins!
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